
Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught through Rupa Goswami, five very important principles, most important to make spiritual progress.They are – To associate with devotees, chant the holy names, to hear Srimad Bhagvatam, worship the deities and be in the holy dham.

Srila Prabhupada invited devotees from all over the world to come to Mayapur and Sri Vrindavan dham to associate with one another and to absorb the infinitely merciful environment of bhakti that permeated this holy place and to utilize our every moment to hear and to chant and to serve. It is very important for one to visit dham, for making spiritual progress.

ISKCON Dhanbad conducts yatras, spiritual tours to various places of pilgrimage like Mayapur, Puri, Vrindavan.

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